Thursday, April 1, 2010


wtf. savvy. the only car that have "P" is now in a critical condition. shit. damn. what can i drive when my probation license is out. damn. seiously man. i need a car for me to mobilize myself out of this creek.

put aside that.


it's not that bad la. it's worth watching. but not that worthy. the storyline is kinda interesting. but the action. wth. even medusa doesn't have a chance to say a word. what? the director didn't provide any script for her that she only laugh sarcastically? damn. just with one slice and kapushhh. off goes the head. what really pissed me off is that the fall of the "MIGHTY" kraken. it took years for it to get out of the water. but it took an instant for it to be stoned. shit. huh. never mind la.

bowling. one win, one damn loss. winning point 144. losing point..............99. damn. gomen ne sensei!! next time rematch ARAL!

upnm interview = 9-13 april. not sure i'm full-hearted or not in applying this UNIVERSITI PENAT NAK MAMPUS. but i'll try to give my best to qualify. but something might be worrying me.


the qualifications clearly stated "TIDAK MEMAKAI CERMIN MATA". well i am still gonna try. wish me luck guys.