introducing my most wanted university =.= why would my parents forcing me to enter this institute? i've had enough with this military thingy. they could drive me crazy. here's one shit-luck tale. yesterday i overjoyed when i didn't called for this interview. but this morning. checked my phone then 1 message from upnm.
"TAHNIAH anda dipilih utk mengahadiri temuduga utk kemasukan upnm 2011"
taniah my ass. then i remembered yesterday father said
"nanti laa papa kol PENGARAH PENGAJIAN tu esok"
gee. and it came true. thanx dad =.= i wish i could only enter normal institute. uitm, uia, ukm etc. if i return to that hell hole, it's the same like going back to rmc. it's not like i had been holding a grudge or something. but it's just that i fed up with the admin of the military. hermm. can't think of anything else. upnm upnm upnm upnm upnm.
Aku takde geng kat Uniten le jawabnye. :((
ReplyDeletehermmm.lek lu fatin.nnt aku nk apply gak uniten tuh.kene apply gak.jgn wiso yeah?heh.
ReplyDeleteowh faez good luck..
ReplyDeleteHAHAHHA. at last. ur mom's dream come true. omedetou jii sama :)