dat day, it was such a boring day..i could die of being bored..soo i logged into ms n began viewing ma fren's prof..then i found dis doozy pic..hahah..soo, here's a penny of my thought bout dis pic..well i truly agree...heheh...for some reasons though..well in this modern world,women now hav more intrest in $$$ than tru love (puking >_<)...well not all women lorh...mostly only..i once read in the intrnet bout a young n gorgeous woman marrying an old folk dat can hardly stand on his own..no doubt bout it marrying for tru money...hahaha...sigh...i hope my wife-to-be won't be one of these women whoo only have $$$ in her eyes $_$..ouh god,may u show me the tru n faihtful way to ur helpless srvant..aminn~
p/s: plis excuse my french..hehehe...
cissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :p